

[대한공간정보학회] GISUP 2021 국제학술대회 온라인 개최 및 참여 요청



대한공간정보학회 사무국입니다.

우리 학회에서 매년 참가 및 후원하는 GISUP 2021 국제학술대회가 일본의 나가사키대학 주관으로 12 18(온라인으로 개최됩니다.

GISUP 2021 국제학술대회는 올해로 23회를 맞이하고 있으며한국-중국-일본-대만-미국 등 다양한 국가가 참여하고 있습니다.

보통 매년 100여명 이상의 공간정보분야 다양한 전문가가 모여 3일에 걸쳐 약 30여편의 연구논문을 발표하고,

관련 최신 기술과 비전을 토론하는 의미있는 행사로 진행되었지만,

COVID-19로 인해 작년과 같이 올해에도 하루 동안만 온라인으로 개최되게 되었습니다.

이에 관심있는 회원 여러분들의 많은 참석과 연구 발표를 부탁 드립니다.


자세한 사항은 아래의 영문 공지 내용 및 홈페이지를 참고하시기 바라며,

학술대회 논문 작성을 위한 템플릿을 첨부합니다.


1) 영문초록(또는 풀페이퍼및 발표형식(오랄/포스터제출 : 11 27일까지

2) 풀페이퍼 또는 확장형 초록 제출 : 12 4

Dear Colleagues,

We are very glad to host the GISUP2021 conference in Nagasaki.

The COVID-19 pandemic has continued for more than a year and a half, and it has been difficult to meet, so this conference will be held on-line. We will prepare a program that will allow colleagues to participate meaningfully.

There is a word “
如己愛人” in Nagasaki meaning “love your neighbor as yourself”. This word was coined by Dr. Nagai Takashi, who was himself exposed to the atomic bomb detonation but continued to administer treatment to other people. This is an important word now because we are in a time when we need to care for each other by maintaining social distance.

When this pandemic is over, please visit Nagasaki. There are a lot of delicious foods and beautiful scenery. Let’s enjoy a meal and converse together.

We are looking forward to meeting you at GISUP2021.

Best regards,

Conference Chair, Dr. Prof. Rieko Nakao
Professor of the School of Health Sciences Nagasaki University

The 23th International Symposium of Geospatial Information Science and Urban Planning (GISUP 2021, International)
Time/Dates: 10:00-17:00 / December 18, 2021. 

Venue (Method of Meeting): Online Meeting (for Keynote Lecture and Oral Presentation). 
Organized by: Organizing Committee of GISUP 2021, International. 
Deadline (Submission Guidelines): 
Papers/Abstracts Submissions with Proposed Session Name: November 27, 2021. 
Extended Abstracts (2-4 pages) or Full Manuscripts: December 4, 2021. 
Submission to: GISUP office ( 

If you have any trouble, please send a mail to Prof. Takahito Ueno, Sojo University, Japan (
Secretariat of Organizing Committee

Byungdug Jun, bdjun(at)


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